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Traditional Mexican Horchata


For the rice and almond mixture:

  • 1 cup long-grain white rice
  • 1 1/2 cups blanched almonds (optional)
  • 1 cinnamon stick (or 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon)
  • 4 cups water (for soaking)

For the horchata:

  • 4 cups milk (whole milk, almond milk, or rice milk for a dairy-free option)
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Ground cinnamon (for garnish)


  • Large bowl or pitcher
  • Blender
  • Fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth
  • Large pitcher
  • Whisk or spoon
  • Measuring cups and spoons

Cooking Tips 

  • Almonds Optional: Using almonds is optional. They add a rich, nutty flavor, but the horchata is delicious without them too.
  • Adjust Sweetness: You can adjust the amount of sugar based on your taste preference. Start with 1/2 cup and add more if you prefer a sweeter drink.
  • Dairy-Free Version: Use almond milk or rice milk instead of dairy milk for a dairy-free version of horchata.
  • Experiment with Flavors: For a different flavor profile, you can add a pinch of nutmeg or a drop of almond extract. You can also try blending in other flavors like coconut or a bit of lime zest.


  1. Soak the Rice and Almonds:
  • Rinse the Rice: Start by rinsing 1 cup of long-grain white rice under cold running water. Rinse until the water runs clear. This step is important as it removes excess starch from the rice, which helps in achieving a smoother texture in the final drink.
  • Combine Ingredients: Place the rinsed rice in a large bowl or pitcher. Add 1 1/2 cups of blanched almonds if you are using them. Almonds add a rich, nutty flavor but are optional. Add 1 cinnamon stick to the mixture or you can use 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • Soak: Pour 4 cups of water over the rice, almonds, and cinnamon. Cover the bowl or pitcher with a lid or plastic wrap and let the mixture soak. Soak it for at least 4 hours, but overnight soaking is preferable. Soaking softens the rice and almonds, making them easier to blend and ensuring the flavors meld together.

2. Blend the Mixture:

  • Remove Cinnamon Stick: If you used a cinnamon stick, remove it from the soaked mixture. This prevents large pieces of cinnamon from being in the final drink.
  • Blend: Pour the soaked rice, almonds, and water into a blender. Blend until it smoothen. The goal is to grind the rice and almonds as finely as possible. This blending process can take a few minutes, depending on the power of your blender.

3. Strain the Mixture:

  • Prepare to Strain: Place a fine-mesh sieve or a piece of cheesecloth over a large pitcher. The sieve or cheesecloth will catch any remaining solids, giving you a smooth liquid.
  • Strain: Slowly pour the blended mixture through the sieve or cheesecloth into the pitcher. Use a spoon to press the mixture, extracting as much liquid as possible. If using cheesecloth, you can gather the cloth’s edges and squeeze the mixture to get more liquid out. Discard the solids or save them for another use, like adding to smoothies or baking.

4. Sweeten and Flavor the Horchata:

  • Add Milk: Pour 4 cups of milk into the strained rice and almond liquid in the pitcher. You can use whole milk, almond milk, or rice milk based on your preference. Almond milk or rice milk will keep the drink dairy-free.
  • Sweeten: Add 1/2 cup of granulated sugar to the mixture. Stir well with a whisk or spoon until the sugar is completely dissolved. Taste the mixture and adjust the sweetness to your liking by adding more sugar if necessary.
  • Flavor: For flavor add 1 tablespoon vanilla extract. Vanilla adds a warm, sweet flavor that complements the cinnamon and almonds.

5. Chill and Serve:

  • Refrigerate: Cover the pitcher and place it in the refrigerator. Leave the horchata to chill for 2 hours Chilling allows the flavors to meld together and makes the drink more refreshing.
  • Serve: When you’re ready to serve, give the horchata a good stir as some of the rice sediment may have settled at the bottom. Serve the horchata over ice in tall glasses.
  • Garnish: Optionally, sprinkle a pinch of ground cinnamon on top of each glass for garnish. This adds a nice touch of flavor and makes the drink look more appealing.

6. Storage:

  • Refrigerate: Store any leftover horchata in the refrigerator. It will stay fresh up to 2 to 3 days. Stir well before serving again, as separation is natural.

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